Black Hills State University 积极支持和鼓励对有助于学生智力发展和社会福祉的主题进行开放和理性的讨论. 这个平台证明了我们坚定不移地致力于言论自由原则,并提供了概述相关法律的全面PG电子app下载, policies, and training in this regard.

First Amendment

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press. 它还保护和平集会或聚集在一起或与一群人交往的自由, economic, political or religious purposes, as well as the right to protest the government. In addition to the First Amendment, 该大学受州法律的约束,这些法律规定了在高等教育机构中自由表达和讨论智力多样化主题的承诺.

Amendment l                                                                                                                                  

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Freedom of Speech

政策9:3言论自由和使用机构设施和表达意见的理由 & Demonstration (click here to view policy)及其程序规定了言论自由的准则,以及非附属方使用BHSU的设施和场地进行表达活动的准则.

Request form for Expressive Activity (click here for form

As a public institution, BHSU承认学生和其他人有和平集会的权利. 这些表达个人或群体意见的方法是我们美国传统的重要组成部分,也是交流思想和意见的合法手段. 大学的政策是允许为合法目的而发表意见,以防止干扰大学的正常业务, including classes, study, residential living, and the operation of the institution. BHSU维护第一修正案授予个人和团体谁选择行使其宪法权利参加校园言论自由活动的权利. Regardless of their position or platform, 在遵守法律和学校政策的前提下,个人和团体可以在校园内举行“和平集会”或传播信息.

除非该演讲引发骚乱或立即破坏和平,否则大学不会干预, disrupts lawful assembly, 对个人健康和/或安全构成威胁,或对财产造成损害/破坏, 妨碍教职员工合法履行职责(包括遵守学校政策), 妨碍学生合法进行教育活动(包括扰乱课堂), or is of a commercial nature.

PG电子app下载是一个学习的地方,既支持充满活力和开放的思想交流,也支持所有人的归属感, not just some, members of the campus community. We encourage all to examine the tensions around free expression, political polarization, 以鼓励言论自由为目标的包容,以及对文明的个人责任.

Peaceful Assembly

政策9:3言论自由和使用机构设施和表达意见的理由 & Demonstration (click here to view policy)及其程序,订明有关言论自由及利用本校设施及场地进行表达活动的指引. 

Policy 3:1 (click here to view policy) Student Code of Conduct

  • Assemblies can include meetings, speeches, debates, demonstrations, marches, vigils, sit-ins, rallies and protests as set forth in Policy 9:3.

  • BHSU has no designated free speech area. Therefore, 希望参加公共论坛或示威的人必须与公共安全和安保办公室的代表协调. 由于其高人流量和中心位置,校园绿地是一个理想的集会区. BHSU Public Safety, (605)642-6297

  • 为了个人和观众的安全采取合理的预防措施是至关重要的. 大学将审查每个集会的安全需求,并确定是否需要额外的安全措施.

  • 大学社区的所有成员都有责任维护相互尊重的气氛. Violence, threats, harassment, 大学社区成员或访客的报复和其他破坏性行为-无论是参与者还是干扰事件的人.g.(通过大喊大叫来结束演讲者)——是不能容忍的.

Distributing, Posting Information

Policy 3:2 Campus-Wide Posting (click here to view policy)及其程序规定了指导方针,为BHSU成员提供机会和空间宣传校园赞助的活动和事件. 

  • Distribution of pamphlets, handbills, posters or flyers is allowed in all exterior public places of campus (e.g.、绿地、室外入口、露台、室外场地、人行道和莱尔黑尔体育场). Distributing those materials, except in exterior public spaces, is prohibited unless they are part of authorized university activities. For more information, see the BHSU Campus-Wide Posting Policy 3:2.

  • 希望在校园内分发/张贴信息或传播请愿书以征求签名的非附属方, refer to and must follow Policy 9.3.

  • Revised Ordinances of Spearfish (Code 1982, § 3-203)禁止在任何车辆内或车辆上放置/存放任何传单. Spearfish Ordinances have authority on the BHSU campus.

Campus Resources


Protecting Free Speech is the responsibility of the entire campus. Therefore, depending on your question or complaint, the following individuals/offices may be contacted.

Question/Complaint about a group assembly or demonstration:

BHSU Public Safety, (605)642-6297

  • Faculty questions or complaints: Contact your Chair, Dean or Faculty Senate

Staff questions or complaints:
Contact your Division Head or the Human Resources Office, (605)642-6877

Student questions or complaints:
Contact the Dean of Students, (605)642-6080

Question/Complaint about a posted flyer or printed material:
BHSU does not censor flyers or printed promotions. If the material offends you, you are 欢迎与打印文件上的姓名和联系电话的赞助方联系.